Weekly Newsletter | 06-09-2023

Good Morning Friends,

Sunday Sermon 06/11/2023 | 10:00 am

New Church Day – June 19th – is almost here. Our church is named for this event. The Lord is making Christianity anew. Let’s learn how we can be a part of it if we choose.

Then shall the sign of the Son of Man appear in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:30

The following is an excerpt from COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW by William Bruce, 1866

The clouds of heaven in which [the Lord] is to appear are the truths of the Word in its literal sense. This sense is compared to and imaged by a cloud, because it covers the inner spiritual sense as a cloud covers the glory of the heavens, or shades the brightness of the sun. The literal sense of the Word is meant by clouds in those passages where it is said that the Lord’s righteousness is in the clouds, that his truth reacheth unto the clouds, that he maketh the clouds his chariot, and that the clouds are the dust of his feet. Unless the Word is acknowledged to be divinely inspired, and expressed according to the law of correspondence, these expressions will only be regarded as figurative, and as such, understood as having a certain undefined sublimity. To those only who see the true nature of divine revelation can the spiritual sense be acceptable. Having then stated the facts generally, that the Lord’s coming is not natural but spiritual, therefore not to the sense but to the mind, and that it is to be effected through the medium or teaching of the Word, we will proceed to explain this important prophecy as it stands. . .

We have already explained what is meant by the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven. The Lord comes as Divine Truth, and he comes in and through the Word of truth. The internal sense of the Word, like the internal of the human mind, is meant by heaven, and its external sense is meant by the clouds of heaven. We have now to explain the meaning of “the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” The Lord comes in the literal sense of the Word, revealing its spiritual sense. He comes in the literal sense, because from the literal sense all doctrine is to be drawn and confirmed; and genuine doctrine derived from the literal or natural sense of Scripture is the very vehicle in which the Lord comes to his church and to the human mind. “He maketh the clouds his chariot;” and a chariot signifies doctrine, and doctrine, deduced by right interpretation from the letter of the Word, is the necessary receptacle and medium of all the higher degrees of knowledge. But while the Son of man comes in the clouds of heaven, he comes with power and great glory. These are the properties of the internal or spiritual sense of the Word, the revelation of which forms one of the essential and peculiar features of the Lord’s second advent.

New Church Day Service

This year we will observe New Church Day (June 19th) on Sunday, June 18th (which also happens to be Father’s Day).

AGM Announcement

The annual general meeting of the New Church at Boynton Beach will be held on June 25 at 11:00 a.m. following the 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship service. The meeting will take place at the church and via Zoom. Further details will be announced in advance.

Bible Study Pause

There will be no Bible Study for the month of June. We will announce it here when classes resume.

Theistic Science

Meeting every Monday at 10:00 am.
Zoom link Meeting ID 444 057 6695 | Passcode: 1770

Image Gallery

The alligator is headed Lou’s way.

Crusty old friends at Green Cay.

The glory of a full moon is about to emerge from behind the eastern clouds.

Looking southward from Gulfstream Park

Looking north

Looking at the turtle nest markings